The Beast Bach (Small Beast). 11 Miler, 1,700ft

Quick Facts:

  • Date: Sat 10th May 2025
  • Start Time:  12.00hrs
  • Distance: 11 Miles (17.7 Km)
  • Ascent:  1,700 ft (550 meters)
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Cost:  £10.00
  • Water Stations: Yes
  • Marked route; Yes.
  • Bespoke Beast Bach coaster: Yes.

A smaller route for those just wanting a taster of it’s bigger brother, but is by no means a doddle as it’s got the WoD in for 2024!

The Route

The route shares the same start as the main ‘Preseli Beast’ and follows it for approximately 5 km to the top of the first biggish hill mostly on a good trail surface. Look at details of the Preseli Beast route for more detail until this point.

The route then splits from the main ‘Beast’ and heads down the other side of the Preselis on grassy fell where there is a fantastic view towards Carn Ingli and the sea above Newport Pembs (If the weather allows, and that you have time to look!) At the bottom of the hill there’ll be a checkpoint and water aid station. At this point it meets the returning Beast/UltrabeasT route, and from here there’ll be an unusual route following a small path(or sheep trod to us mountain goats) to the bottom of rather a big hill! And as the song by ‘Yazz and the plastic population’ goes, ‘The only way is up’, is the route to take!! Top this one and you’ve nearly cracked it.  Once at the top of Foel Feddau, you just have the last and highest point to attain in the Preselis at just over 1760 ft/536m, Foel Cwmcerwyn. It’s then more or less downhill all the way to the finish. Phew! 

A mile or so from the finish, you join the same lovely path that you came through on at the start known as the Beasts lair. Stay on the boardwalk through here or you could be knee deep in bog! The final quarter of a mile is back through the small village of Maenclochog is with it’s cheery and enthusiastic marshals and villagers,  and it’s finish line on the village green where you can receive your due rewards; slate coaster, cawl, tea, and……….cake!  Nowt like tea and cake after a good run out. Happy days! If you complete this one then maybe next year you’ll come back stronger to conquer the big one!

Cut Off Times. 2pm    Cut off point: CP7 / Road crossing (5 miles) – 2hrs 30mins(14.30hrs).

Cut-off times are in place to aid the organisation of the race and the general well being of you, the runners, and the legion of dedicated volunteers who enable the races to happen.

Please consider which race is appropriate for you based on your experience and ability. If you do not reach the designated cut-off point within the time specified, you will have to retire out of the race there and make your way back to the start/finish. Your results will not be recorded past the cut-off point!