So, after thinking very long and hard, discussing it with my family and key people, being in consultation with my local community, Finally, the Beast Bach(only) will go ahead, on Sunday 8th August…..this year! Yes folks, it’s back on. 

Before you ask too many questions. Entries aren’t open!!! I’ll be emailing all those that entered in 2019 first to see if they want or can take part. This option will be given to all those that entered either race. We’ll then see how many runners want to run. I’ll consider opening entires after that.
There will be some covid guidelines, one of which is that we will not be using the village hall. Runners will register from the village green, and runners will start between eg, 11.30am and 12pm. So there will be no mass start.
The route will be marked. At the only water station there will be no plastic(or any) cups. You’ll have to provide your own if you want water here.
Tea and cawl will be served from the green, or from the local caffi’r sgwar. However you will need to bring your own mug, bowl and spoon for this.
I’m saying this as I’m preparing to go away for a week!!! LOL
However, I wanted to give previously entered runners the chance to think about it and get some trianing in. An email will be coming at some point.

If previously entered runners can’t run, or don’t want too, then I’ll carry your entry to 2022 unless you inform me otherwise.
I’m hoping to get slate coaster done, but there will be no Tshirts this year sorry.

Can you please send me the link to enter the beast Bach for 2021.
Thank you