Preseli DipDab 4hr score event.


4hr score event on Saturday 22nd June. Self navigating to various checkpoints to get as many points as possible. Map given on start line.

If you want to run with someone else, then please state with whom you wish to run it with so I can give you the same start time. They would also need to enter separately. There are no team/pair prizes, only solo categories.

Please add your full name
Please select a Age Gender Caregory
Categories: ,


A 4hr score event on Saturday 22nd June. Self navigate to various checkpoints using the pre-marked map that you get on the start line. Most points, wins. 😉

Additional information

Age Gender Category

Female Vet 40 (FV40), Female Vet 50 (FV50), Female Vet 60 (FV60), Male Vet 40 (MV40), Male Vet 50 (MV50), Male Vet 60 (MV60), Open Female (OF), Open Male (OM)