Beastly entries!

Waw, it’s been a busy start since entries opened with many of you getting down and dirty to entering early. 😉 Some new runners, and many returning for more……………cake! 🙂 Thank you everyone. If you’ve entered, can you please check your details and let me know if there’s something wrong or you want me to change. All the entrants on the list are up to the 20th Feb.

Beast Bach Entries 2018

Preseli Beast Entries 2018

UltrabeasT Entries 2018

Now, what do you think of the front of the Tshirt?

Entries are…………………open!

Yes, that’s right folks, entries are now fully open. 🙂

You might notice that the website has had a bit of a makeover. Hopefully this will make it easier for you, and for me. If you can’t find anything that you’re looking, or experiencing issues, then please get in touch.

Below is the logo that will be on the front of the Tshirts this year. Thanks to Chris Welton for designing it. 🙂 Colour might vary.


2018 Beastly dates.

Sat 12th May 2018, and back by popular Beastly demand, the UltrabeasT makes its return. The date is a bit later than normal due to the Bank holiday weekend being a bit later. Beastly Saturday will generally always be the Saturday following the first Bank holiday in May. Entries open beginning of February 2018. 

Other dates for the 2018 diary-

Tuesday 12th June at 7pm, the Carn Ingli killer race. Just a short 3.5mile race up over Carn Ingli!!!

Sat 16th June at 2pm. The Ras y cerrig las race, a great little 7 mile fell race. There will also be junior races at this event probably around 1pm. Not a clue what age categories or  distances yet, but it will be great nonetheless.

Sun 17th June at 2pm. The Cwmcerwyn race incorporating the ‘Wall of death’! nb-everybody made it to the finish in 2017!!!

Yes that’s right, three races within a week!!! A great excuse to make a long weekend of it! :p

Last but not least, there will always be tea and cake at each event. Can’t run without having cake!!!

See ya in 2018. 😉

Updated entries as of Star wars day, ‘May the 4th be with you’!

So, this is the updated entry list. This probably isn’t your race number yet as there will probably be a few more entries before Friday!!! Please check your details are correct, and please get in touch with me if they’re not.

Preseli Beast 2017 compatible version

Beast Bach 2017 Compatible version

Registration will be open from 08.30hrs till 10.25hrs for Preseli Beast entrants. This is where you will pick up your race number and goody bag if you’ve pre-entered. Please allow enough time to travel down, park up, and register.

Rgistration for Beast Bach will open after 10.35am, or after the Preseli Beast runners have started. There might be some time to register and pick up your number ‘if’ the Preseli Beast registration is quiet!!! Again this is where you will get your race number and goody bag if you’ve pre-entered.

If you’ve ordered a Tshirt, then you will get these as you register.

For those who have not entered, and want to still run, then you can still do so, but you might not get a goody bag as these are being bagged up before hand. I will make up spares though, but these will be given out after you’ve finished. You will still get cawl, tea and cake though. 😉

Huge thanks to the marshals, and sponsors who really make this event happen. 😉

Cheers all, Caz the hat


Last minute orders for T-shirts!!!

You’d best be quick as I’m ordering the Tshirts Wednesday morning!

Quick update on route! Those who have run before will know about the stiles on the first section to Rosebush which you also do on the last. Well the national parks have been super helpful as they’re opening them up with temporary fencing so that you will be able to run straight through. 😉 Diolch guys, 😉

Updated entry list!

If you’ve entered either race, please check if you’re details are correct. Names are in alphabetical order in the categories. Please note this will not be your race number………yet!

Preseli Beast 2017 compatible version

Beast Bach 2017 Compatible version

Please let me know asap if your details are wrong….or not even there! 😉 Now you’ve seen what the Tshirts look like and want one(even though you hadn’t ordered one previously) then you can still do so up till the 25th April clearly indicating size.

Cheers all. 😉

Ps- Last date to make sure you get a full goody bag including slate coaster is 26th April!

News, news, and more news from Beast HQ!

Yes, more updates from Beast HQ. Firstly, the entries update shows that the Beast Bach has reached 74 and is closing slowly on the Preseli Beast which has today reached 84! Thanks to all of you who have entered, and please check details on the list if you’ve entered.

Beast Bach 2017 Compatible version                  Preseli Beast 2017 compatible version

Sponsorship letters have gone out to the fabulous local businesses this week, and we’ve already have a 1/3rd of the trophies sponsored for! The race numbers have kindly been sponsored by Etts electrical, and we have a Tshirt sponsor by ‘The Globe’. Handy for refreshments after a hard day in the hills!!! Thank you all.

We’ve come up with this years branding around the slate coaster? In the past we’ve had ‘Can you tame the Beast’, ‘Return of the Beast’, ‘Burden of the Beast’, and ‘Desolation of the Beast’. This year however is the 5th year, and although we’re not using the word Beast, it sort of suits our sense of humour………Flit of the Five Fanged Fiend! The Beast will have lost one of it’s fangs, and they’d also have grown too!!!

We’ve also been busy coming up with a design for the Tshirt, and although we don’t have a design to show you yet, we reckon you’re going to like it. 

Check back for more updates in a week or two. 😉